I have been singing that song since Hobby Lobby had Christmas trees in July or August. I can't remember.
Anyhoo! As usual, I have to show my grandson off in his Christmas photos, along with my son and daughter-in-law.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!
Posted by
Linda Hall
11:09 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Once Upon A Time....
...there was a "boo"tiful little boy named Harris....
...one day he went batty....
....so his parents turned him into a frog:
Then he was kissed by a Beautiful Princess:
When the Princess, Prince Charming and the adorable little frog got together they became the Royal Family:
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:06 PM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Proud Grannie photos
I just couldn't help but add these lastest pictures of Harris. One is where he likes to giggle when playing with pappaw. The other one is the first time he gets some cereal. YaY, solid food. He is 4 months old.
Posted by
Linda Hall
11:27 PM
Now Making 2009 Calendars/Need Ideas!
I am now getting in to making my 2009 calendars. These have always been great sellers, because they make nice inexpensive gifts for teachers, co-workers, friends and family.
I am asking for your help on what theme of calendars you would like to see. I always know dogs and cats go well. I have a lot of ideas, but with you as my customers I would really like your input.
I do have several orders that have been given me in the last couple of months and even some that was ordered last year for this year. I haven't forgotten about those. I plan on working on those in the next few weeks. I have ordered some new stamps to help make some of them special.
I have posted a few that I already had in stock. Most of them have sold. I only have the horse one up right now that will end on Monday. Sept 22.
Just so you know what I am talking about here are a few I have made. As most of you know I have added some sewing and other embellishments to my cards lately and will also add these to the new calendars.
Thanks so much for your help. You ROCK!!!
Posted by
Linda Hall
3:05 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Nobody's Perfect II
Well, slap me silly and call me an idiot.
Here I was worried over nothing. I just knew my customers were the BEST!!!!! What was I thinking????? Too many late nights card making I guess.
I did some more research and low and behold my detailed seller ratings were better than what I had thought. I was looking at the help page to explain it better. DUH....what I was actually looking at, was a general explanation for anybody. They were not very good. My ratings are actually: 5 for description. 5 for communication. 5 for shipping time. and 4.9 for shipping charges. SHEW!!!!!
I sure hope no one took it personally. You guys ROCK!!! Oh how I wish I could use my little smily icons.:o) :o) happy dance!!!
I guess I could of deleted my postings. But hey... I just goes to show NOBODY'S PERFECT!! Especially me!! LOL!!!! I'm only human....I'm just a woman. Oh no, I'm singing again.
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:02 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Nobody's Perfect!
Again, I would like to let everyone know, I appreciate all of my customers. All are very special to me. I get wonderful e-mails from some that really make my day.
I really strive to make your shopping and purchasing experience with you perfect. I would really like for all of my customers, when they have time, to please e-mail me if there is something you would like me to add or subtract from my listings. I really do appreciate critizism or compliments.
Do any of you remember when getting evaluations at work, there was always a supervisor that wouldn't give you a perfect rating no matter how good you were. They always would say "No one is perfect. There is always room for improvement." Even though they would tell you, they couldn't find anything wrong with my performance or suggest how to do better. Well, that's kinda how I been feeling lately. I have been checking my detailed seller ratings. Even though they are good, I find some of them are lowering for some strange reason. I feel I have received wonderful and terrific feedbacks. I would just like to mention a couple of detailed ratings that are lowering.
The main one that has lowered is the detailed rating regarding shipping costs. I can not figure out how I can send packages any cheaper. First of all, all my cards are very 3D and therefore are heavier that normal flat cards. My actual cost for me to send one card is 1.52 postage, with delivery confirmation, and a bubble envelope costs around 20 cents for the small ones and 27 cents for the larger ones. I am lucky my mother has a Sams club card, and I can get them for that reasonable price. Oh my, I guess I may be making 3 cents. Of course that does take into consideration the gas to drive 40 miles to get these and the cost of the cello envelopes I use to put on each card. Also, sometimes even though my additional card is only 25 cents it has cost more to ship. Many people charge 1.75 plus .50 for each one after that. I try to reward the customer who purchases more with a better deal.
The next rating that has lowered is my description. I realize I don't take the time to itemize each different card with exactly what I use to make that card, but, I had a wonderful ebay card buyer that told me to not waste precious time doing that. I could be spending that time on making more cards. She said most people don't really read it anyway. They look at the photos. I did purchase a better digital camera in February and think that really did make a difference. I always heard a picture is worth a thousand words.
I really am not complaining. I just want to make everybody as satisfied as possible. I know I am not perfect and there is always room for improvement. That is the reason I am posting this. I would really like it, if you would e-mail and tell me truthfully how I could make it better.
Again, I appreciate every one of you and look forward to continue improving in any way possible.
Have A Wonderful and Blessed Day!!
Linda :o)
Posted by
Linda Hall
8:58 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yahoo!! I have made Powerseller on Ebay!
I don't know if anyone has noticed the addition to my ebay. I am officially a powerseller now. Oh my!! How I love my customers that made it all possible! I am truly blessed with wonderful, fantastic, outstanding, terrific, and any other GREAT adjectives, customers. Each one is very special. Not only do they purchase my cards, but they help lift my spirits everyday. For those of you who keep up with me.
From ebay:
PowerSellers rank among the most successful sellers on eBay in terms of sales and customer satisfaction. We are proud to recognize their contributions to the success of the eBay Community!
This icon next to a member's user ID means that the seller meets the criteria for being a PowerSeller - consistent sales volume, 98% total positive Feedback, eBay marketplace policy compliance, an account in good financial standing, and beginning in July 2008, detailed seller rating (DSRs) of 4.5 or higher in all four DSRs - item as described, communication, shipping time, and shipping and handling charges. If a seller no longer complies with any one of the above requirements, they are removed from the program.
As a buyer, when you see this mark, you can be confident that you are transacting with an experienced eBay seller with a proven commitment to customer satisfaction.
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:55 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Creative Card Designs & A Special Thank You!
I am now a member of Creative Card Design team.
Click on the Creative Card Design logo at the top left corner of my blog to learn more about us.
You should be able to see all of our designs by searching CRCD in the etsy search engine.
By Monday night 6/16 I should have all my ebay listings searchable by CRCD also.
Don't forget if you are interested in just visiting my cards just search stampingsinger on either site.
I want to thank everyone of my customers again. Without your purchases I would not be able to keep creating cards. It is my passion and I am so happy and blessed that you have allowed me to serve you. If you ever have any suggestions or ideas don't hesitate to contact me. I love a challenge.
Posted by
Linda Hall
8:32 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Harris and Grandma!
Well these sure are not the best photos of me. I definetly need a perm, but I couldn't resist not posting these photos of Harris. He looks so much different than his last week photo. Just look at the baby and NOT ME!!
Posted by
Linda Hall
11:11 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm A Grandma!!!!
Well, it's official. I am now a grandma!
Harris Reed Hall was born today at 4:57pm
He's a bouncing baby boy weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz.
I will add photos as soon as Daniel sends some to me.
I just had to share my news as all grandmothers can relate to.
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:42 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
This Too Shall Pass
Are you going through a difficult time. If so let this video help you. I just love it!!
Posted by
Linda Hall
7:21 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Hello all!
I just thought I would let you know I added a link to my ebay listings in case any one was interested in viewing. Just scroll down on the left of the page, and click on CURRENT EBAY LISTINGS.
Also, ebay is running a special this week on 99 cent listings. I think I will take advantage of it and post some older cards that I need to clear out to make room for more. ***Please note, most of these are extras that I made quite awhile back. Some of them are not as dimensional as the cards I have been making recently, but are still usable to brighten someones day. I am going to try my best to post several a night, since I have so....many. I have about 50, so there may only be one picture of each. I hope I can get them all listed before the expiration date of the sale. So you fabulous buyers, if you need a simple card at a bargain price have at it. However, be advised I will not be able to make duplicates or offer second chance offers. When they are gone, they are gone forever. Good Luck and many thanks!!!
Posted by
Linda Hall
5:44 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tribute to Buyers!!
I just have to mention that I have met so... many Terrific people in the last few years from selling on ebay and now etsy. I appreciate every one of them. Each one is a Blessing. Some contact me regularly and some every once in a while. Some gives me special encouragement by letting me know what they do with the cards they have purchased and the reactions they receive. Not only is it a blessing to the receipiant, but the giver as well. It just amazes me how special it is to receive a card, whether by mail or by hand. That is one of the reasons I started making them to start with.
Thank you to all of my special friends and a special thanks for the encouragement you give others as well as me.
Posted by
Linda Hall
6:59 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
I just thought I would let everyone know I am a member of ALCD (Artist Loft Cafe Designs). We are card makers and sellers that have been selling on ebay for a few years. We became long distance friends and decided to help promote each other by using the ALCD name. The name was created by a wonderful ebay seller who loved all of our unique work and talent.
Most of us now also sell on etsy. If you go to either site all you have to do is put ALCD in the search engine and you will get the listings of all of our cards that are for sale. My user name for both sites, of course is stampingsinger. I have been selling on ebay since March of 2004. I recently started selling on etsy Sept. 2007.
I try to design 4-6 new cards every week for ebay. I will also add some previous designs each week to keep a total of 10 cards up at a time. Those are posted on ebay every Monday night from 9-9:30 pm EST. I use etsy for my overflow. They are usually my last ones, or one of a kind creations. I try to post at least 3-5 random days a week. Check often for new cards.
Here are the links to both:
Thanks for looking and Have A Wonderful and Blessed Day!
Linda :o)
Posted by
Linda Hall
12:12 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Beginnings
Well, 2007 has come and gone. We have seen our share of happiness and heartache. My son got married in March. I now have a fabulous daughter-in-law. I've lost 18 pounds. Ebay and Etsy have really taken off for me. I have met some fantastic people in the year 2007. Some of which have become friends as well as customers. I appreciate every one of them. They have made this year so great. I feel so blessed. GOD IS GOOD.
2007 has also brought some difficulties for some very close friends of mine.
One of my friends within the last 6 months, lost her job, lost her father-in-law, lost her husband and lost her home to fire, even her beloved cat. Those are just the worst things. I could not even imagine the pain she is going through. But, God is with her and is giving her the comfort she needs. He has a plan. She has the faith of Job.
Another friend has been devastated by occurrences that have happened this year. She is so distraught that she has allienated herself from her friends that love her dearly.
I have a lot of other friends that have been through some sicknesses of their own.
My heart goes out to all of those that are on my heart and mind.
But, you know, 2008 is a new year. I expect GREAT things to happen!! I am going to be a grandmother in May. Life does go on, whether we feel like we can or not. We have to, as the song says, "dust ourselves off, and start all over again". It's like the little train that doesn't say "I think I can," It says, I KNOW I CAN. We need to get off the pity party ride, and decide that this is a NEW YEAR and it's time for NEW BEGINNINGS!!! TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. What are YOU going to do about it.
Well..... start by focusing on others. How much trouble is it to call up a friend that needs a friend. Send that long awaited card or e-mail. Someone needs a hug. In the process of a hug, you receive one too. Ever thought of that? When you make a time for others, it takes your mind off your own problems. It actually helps both of you. TRY IT!!
My favorite scripture is Phil. 4:11...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I read a book once. It was titled "It is worth Dying For" Stress over situations can lead to all kinds of health problems that can lead to death. Choose LIFE!!!
Maybe you say, I just can't. Well, I know someone who can help you. His name is Jesus Christ. He loves you and wants to help you. All you have to do is ask Him. I don't mean ask Him to give you the things YOU want, but that you want to get rid of this burden, and live a more content life. If you truly give your heart to Him, he WILL help you. But, you have to give it totally to Him, not out of selfishness of only what He can do for you. If you are faithful and true He will bless you so much that you can not even image. Just PRAY to Him and ask!
You know, I live in constant pain, every day. One might say, well, He hasn't helped you. But, on the contrary. He gives me the strength every day. He blesses me everyday. Everything I have and every person I have met, He gave to me. Who could ask for more?
Wishing you and yours a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR with NEW BEGINNINGS!!!
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:55 PM