Okay, I know I sound like a broken record, but WHAT MORE CAN A PERSON DO about shipping costs???
Again, some few customers are cutting my ebay feedback regarding shipping charges. I have been taking a cut for quite a while. The week the postal rates went up I kept my shipping the same. I was at a huge loss. I have also had a couple of customers that had emailed me regarding their packages had been damaged during the delivery. Postal workers stuffing packages in the mailbox any way they can to get it in. This has never happened in the 5 years that I have been selling cards on ebay. I am definetly not complaining about that. I love customer feedback. I would rather know and try my best to fix a situation than to loose a good customer. Way to go Customers!!!!
The problem is, almost all of my cards are heavy. There is a lot of dimension and embellishments.Some of them will add a couple ounces instead of one when combined shipping is done. I am also trying to add cardboard to the packages which makes the packages weigh more. This is added protection to the cards. I still feel I have the most reasonable shipping charges one can have to ship such quality items .
I would really love to have direct feedback from customers. I have put in my listings that I strive for a 5 star rating. If you can't leave a 5 star rating to please contact me. This is not being done by a small few. If you can tell me how I can do better please let me know. I can't fix it, if I don't know about it.
Some of you may not know, as a Power Seller we get some benefits. We can get a percentage off our fees refunded to us if we keep high feedback.
For the quality of cards that I make my starting bid is very low as compared to others that sell around the same quality. No my cards do not go for high dollars, because I try my best to make multiples so every one can have a chance to get one of my designs. Not every one can afford 20. or more for 1 card. As a matter of fact, I have been at a loss every year at tax time. It costs a lot to make the cards I make.
Some would ask why do you still make and sell them if you are not making any money. Well, I am just addicted. My mother says I am obsessed with making cards. I get so excited to see someone have a better day when they receive a card in the mail. The world sometimes can seem so unfair, and there is so many people that does need a lift. That's why I do it. I am always receiving e-mails, phone calls, and visits from people that just had to tell me what happened when they gave one of my cards to someone. That is what it is all about.
Please don't take this wrong. I am just so puzzled and can't figure out what else I can do. I appreciate every customer that I have. It is you that have made me a power seller to begin with by bidding on my cards and taking the second chance offers that I give. All I ask for is some Communication..
Have A Wonderful Day!!
Linda :o)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:21 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Well, Our electric is back on. My husband has a rental car, until the insurance company can assess the damage on his blazer. It doesn't look too bad in the pictures, but it is really torn up. The drivers side has 2 broken windows, dents and big scratches all over due to concrete blocks hitting it. It is also filled with water. The top near the back on the drivers side along with where the back window is is dented really bad too.
But on a wonderful note my grandson turned one Saturday. He had such a GREAT time at his party. He had cake all over him. He was even mouthing icing from the end of the table. He even started walking everywhere just a few days before his birthday.
I also wanted to add the elmo invitations and the birthday card I made for him.
Posted by
Linda Hall
12:34 AM
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tornado Hits
Just to let everyone know, we had a tornado hit our area. Praise the LORD our house was not damaged, but in front of our subdivision and the road to get to Richmond was a mess. My husband was getting his transmission repaired. The garage it was in was destroyed. It was up on the rack, and believe it or not, everything around it is missing. There was at least one person killed, many injured and at least one that we know of is missing his wife. His mother in law was the one killed. We even seen dead cattle.
Our electric is out again. I don't know when it will be restored. I am using my sons computer. Second chance offers and orders will probably be delayed until I can get my power back up.
Keep us and our neighbors in your prayers.
On a good note, my DIL will graduate from EKU tomorrow and my grandson turns one. He just started walking too.
Posted by
Linda Hall
10:51 PM