Friday, May 8, 2009

Tornado Hits

Just to let everyone know, we had a tornado hit our area. Praise the LORD our house was not damaged, but in front of our subdivision and the road to get to Richmond was a mess. My husband was getting his transmission repaired. The garage it was in was destroyed. It was up on the rack, and believe it or not, everything around it is missing. There was at least one person killed, many injured and at least one that we know of is missing his wife. His mother in law was the one killed. We even seen dead cattle.
Our electric is out again. I don't know when it will be restored. I am using my sons computer. Second chance offers and orders will probably be delayed until I can get my power back up.
Keep us and our neighbors in your prayers.
On a good note, my DIL will graduate from EKU tomorrow and my grandson turns one. He just started walking too.

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